Friday, June 8, 2007

Week 9 - Thing 21 - Podcasts

For this exercise I chose two podcast sites to add to my bloglines account. The first was Book Voyages I found this podcast interesting because it contained author interviews, book reviews and reading ideas for children's books. I thought it would be good to keep in touch with children's literature as I now work in the adult department. I guess I just needed a "children's literature fix".
The second podcast I subscribed to was Collected Comics Library. I chose this one because my son is a comic book collector and enthusiast and I thought it would help him with this collecting. I also looked at some podcasts that had video w/them and these were the ones I enjoyed the most.... The voice only podcasts held almost no interest for me at all.
In general, I found podcasts to be "somewhat" boring. I guess it has to do with the sites being strictly audio and sometimes I found the podcasts to be "droning". I actually have participated in a podcast with a fellow staff member, Natalie Tier. She had to creat a podcast for an assignment in school about libraries and she asked me to participate. It was basically an interview about my job, etc.

1 comment:

Loomlady said...

I found podcasting a bit boring too. Needed to have something for my hands to do...beside eating! Knitting, anyone?