Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Week 7 - Thing 16 - Wikis

Wow!! I really liked this exercise. I could see so many applications for wikis. Libraries could have wikis that patrons could add to expressing their opinions on books they read recently. (this reminds me of Amazon's patron critiques of books). I liked the idea of being able to look up a book and finding other books that are similiar (easily) and in the case of crafts or health care, finding local businesses that can help you. For instance, if you're looking for information on massage, not only could you find a book (or two) that would be relevant but also businesses that offer massages!! What a great community building tool!! Patrons could add to the wiki with opinions on the businesses and the books. I could see this being very interesting and possibly helpful in getting more people (and maybe younger people) to keep using the library. It would be more relevant.

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